
The Cedatec Vertix loading and unloading system (feeding and stacking is designed to be an integral part of an automatic factory. Applications are numerous and limited only by operations where the boards can be situated in a vertical position and contact with other boards is permitted. Vertix is more compact than competitive systems and has a high degree of flexibility which has led to its popularity.
The units grant soft and precise handling of boards and operations are damage free through a wide range of board sizes and thicknesses. Vertix Feeders and Stackers are fed by a unique type of trolley which has two sides for board carriage and are easily moveable to any location for many purposes. The trolleys are coupled to the Vertix via electromagnets and are moved precisely by increments selectable by the user. This allows for proper positioning for many thicknesses of boards. The operating speed is adjustable to match the needs of any other device which supplies boards or receives boards… up to ‘10 boards per minute can be processed depending on the size.
The feeder features an innovative Cedatec engineered system for the prevention of double board feeding an optional device, is available for detection and alarm should double feeding occur.
The stacker version has available an optional device for centering the boards. Both versions have available options of alarms to alert the operator that the trolley is full or empty depending on the application. The stacker alarm can be used to stop any machine that is feeding it when the trolley is full or nearly full.
The Vertix trolleys can be used also in many manual applications such as for manual exposure whereby the trolley is loaded only on one side and then the second side is used to receive exposed boards for transport to other operations such as the Cedatec mylar removal system.
Vertix uses compressed air to create a vacuum by exposed venturi. Suction cups located on the pneumatic hand control the movement and placement of the boards precisely.