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Semi Automatic - LedLight™ and Omnilight ™ sources

Following the discontinuation of the Afosa model, we are now launching the Acura SA contact printer.

The Acura SA capitalizes on the Acura Premium Serie's core technologies and exposure chamber to propose an entry-level exposure unit.

Process Inner Layers OuterLayers Soldermask
Exposure Area Up to 610 x 762 mm
Alignment accuracy 4CCD  ± 8μ 4CCD  ± 8μ 8CCD  ± 8μ
Resolution L/S 25μ L/S 25μ DAM 50μ
Light Engine Led Light™ Led Light™ Omnilight™


Acura-SA is dedicated to multi processes Innerlayer, Outerlayer and SolderMask.This machine has got same performances (alignment and resolution) as the Acura fully automatic but is designed as a semi automatic unit with a single drawer.
The main market for this unit is low to medium volumes for high end products.

Video - Acura SA Dry Film & SM