The smaller, the better

Today’s expectation of more for less has forced our competitors to supply equipment manufactured in low cost manufacturing zones. Cemco’s response to this challenge is to provide more from less. This concept has resulted in a small increase in hardware manufacturing cost per metre but a large increase in capacity per metre. With a conveyor speed of up to 0.5mpm and a total line length of less than 5 metres, the unique design of the Streamline system incorporates patented 'Streamline Fluid Engines'. The fluid engines provide exceptional results within a footprint of less than 50% versus traditional systems that employ conventional flood and spray type processing techniques .
This new product range takes its name from the unique laminar or streamline flow treatment chambers that replace conventional flood and spray chambers used in earlier designs. These fluid engines result in faster and more uniform reaction, reducing processing time and equipment footprint. This is only one of the unique features that make the Streamline range smaller, more efficient and more capable than conventional equipment.
Conventional immersion chambers result from pumping fluid from a sump to a dammed roller conveyor chamber. The solution is re-circulated at a rate of approximately 5X VPM (chamber volume per minute) via manifolds positioned between the conveyor rollers to displace depleted chemistry and trapped gasses. This combination of flooded jet and roller wheel transport results in chaotic turbulent zones within a stagnant bath. By contrast,

Streamline Fluid Engine immersion chambers have no rollers and provide laminar solution flow at a 100X VPM, resulting in faster, more uniform reactions.

Streamline Rinse Knives These short fluid knife flood zones isolated by dual or triple EPDM Rollers provide rinsing between processes. Rinse efficiency is a function of the volume of water applied. The fluid knife delivers re-circulated rinse water at double the flow typically used in conventional rinses while occupying a fraction of the space.
Jet Knife Dryer Designed for lower conveyor speeds, the parallel knife drying head requires minimal space. High velocity angled jets of air heated by the integral side channel blower provide complete drying at speeds of up to 1.5 metres per min.
Inclined Fluid-Knife Dryer For higher conveyor speeds and thicker materials the inclined fluid knife dryer provides unparalleled drying. Precision, fixed knives deliver high velocity air heated by the inverter controlled side channel blower, ensuring a complete drying solution for any material from flex circuit to back panel.